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매체명 Getty Images 종류 사진뉴스
회사명 Getty Images 웹사이트 www.gettyimages.com/ 분야 종합
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매체설명 Getty Images is among the world’s leading creators and distributors of award-winning still imagery, video, music and multimedia products, as well as other forms of premium digital content, available through its trusted house of brands, including iStock© and Thinkstock©.

With its advanced search and image recognition technology, Getty Images serves business customers in more than 100 countries and is the first place creative and media professionals turn to discover, purchase and manage images and other digital content. Its best-in-class photographers and imagery help customers produce inspiring work which appears every day in the world’s most influential newspapers, magazines, advertising campaigns, films, television programs, books and online media.

Mark Getty and Jonathan Klein founded Getty Images in 1995 with the goal of turning a disjointed and fragmented stock photography market into a thriving, modernized industry able to meet the changing needs of visual communicators. It was the first company to license imagery via the web, moving the entire industry online – and have continued to drive the industry forward with breakthrough licensing models, digital media management tools and a comprehensive offering of creative and editorial imagery, microstock, footage and music.

For the stories behind our content and our technology, visit Stories & Trends at http://stories.gettyimages.com/. Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gettyimages and Twitter at https://twitter.com/GettyImages.
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