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매체명 Eye Press 종류 사진뉴스
회사명 Eye Press 웹사이트 www.eyepress.com 분야 종합
대표전화 +852 2881 0955 주소 지역 세계
매체설명 EyePress, one of Asia’s major press-photo agencies, was founded in 2001 by Hiu-tung Ng following his career as an international news editor, TV reporter and photojournalist both in his native Hong Kong, China and on assignment in 25 countries.

Since its beginning, EyePress has been dedicated to quality photojournalism capturing social and world issues which are under-reported, misrepresented or ignored. Its staff of photographers and a worldwide network of more than 200 photojournalists syndicate photos documenting news and feature of international interest aiming at providing fresh perspectives on the world.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, EyePress editorial team is wired with photographers based in Asia, China, Middle East and Europe in covering

major conflicts, spot news, politics, business, travel, entertainment, sports events, celebrities, and documentary reportages. Some of its photographers have received numerous awards for their work.

EyePress photographers believe photography is not just an art but knowledge and information.

EyePress distributes monthly photo-stories accompanied by texts and captions to its world-wide clients. EyePress pictures has been used by the world's leading world affairs magazines: TIME ASIA, Newsweek, Far Eastern Economic Review, International Herald Tribune, etc.

EyePress News Services also contributes breaking news and feature photos to Reuters, AP, AFP, EPA and Bloomberg Photos. The online archive of EyePress photos is located at AsiaNetwork .
상세연락처 T: +852 2881 0955
F: +852 2881 0951
newswire 04516 서울특별시 중구 서소문로11길 19 배재정동빌딩 A동 코리아뉴스와이어(주)   전화 02-737-3600
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