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회사명 로이터 통신사 웹사이트 www.reuters.com 분야 종합
대표전화 02-3704-5500 주소 (03186) 서울특별시 종로구 세종대로 149 지역 세계
매체설명 Reuters is a global information company providing indispensable information tailored for professionals in the financial services, media and corporate markets. Our information is trusted and drives decision making across the globe. We have a reputation for speed, accuracy and freedom from bias.

Although we are best known as the world's largest international multimedia news agency, more than 90% of our revenue derives from our financial services business. Some 330,000 financial market professionals working in the equities, fixed income, foreign exchange, money, commodities and energy markets around the world use Reuters products. They rely on Reuters services to provide them with the information and tools they need to help them be more productive.

Our core strengths lie in providing the content, analytics, trading and messaging capabilities needed by financial professionals. Our open technology, based on industry standards, enables our customers to search, store and integrate our information with content from other sources, facilitating the way they work. We provide financial institutions with specially designed tools to help them reduce risk and distribute and manage the ever-increasing volumes of market data. Our electronic trading services connect financial communities, helping them to gain access to the best prices and to trade efficiently and effectively.

We supply news - text, graphics, video and pictures - to media organisations across the globe. We also provide news to businesses outside financial services as well as direct to consumers.

Updated: March 2005
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