등록된 미디어 860 매체 검색
매체명 뉴스월드 종류 월간지
회사명 뉴스월드 웹사이트 www.newsworld.co.kr 분야 종합
대표전화 02-2235-6114 주소 (100456) 서울 중구 신당6동 292-47 3층 지역 세계
매체설명 NEWSWORLD Magazine is a current affairs publication that seeks to inform the public about issues concerning Korea and the world.  We cover topics ranging among Energy, Economics, Finance, Trade, Industry, Telecommunications, Technology, Politics, International Affairs, Tourism and Public Interest.

Our publication is also the main medium through which many governmental agencies and institutions inform the public and business community of its intentions.
In this era, we take our position as an information vehicle with the gravity that is necessary to keep abreast of present trends and conditions in International Affairs, which is becoming increasingly vital in our globalized, inter-dependent wolrd.
We will also keep you informed of policy changes that may significantly affect the economic environment within which we all work.
Since our inception, we have realized the importance of a strong media to inform and enlighten our readers at a time when the difference between success and failure may be the ideas and information you hold.
In this respect, a responsible and well-informed magazine can provide you with some of the necessary tools to not only cope, but thrive in this exciting new world.

Frequency of Publication : Monthly
Monthly Circulation : Approximately 50,000
Volume began : March, 1993
U.S. Distributorship via EBSCO
U.K. Distributorship via SWETS and NIC.
ISSN : 1225-8520

We Appreciate Your Interest in NEWSWORLD.
Following is Subscription Information for NEWSWORLD.

Subscription Rates :
1. Domestic Rate : 7,000 Korean won per Issue (1-year Subscription = 84,000 won)
2. Overseas Rate : $6.00usd + $1.00usd (airmail fee) = $7.00 per Issue (1-year Subscription Total-including airmail fee) = $84.00usd

Payment Methods :
1. Preferred method of Payment : Wire Transfer in U.S. dollars to the following Bank Draft Payable to Chung Sook Oh, NewsWorld Bank Name : Cho-Hung Bank
Account #: 301-71-011976
2. Checks Payable to :
NewsWorld / Chung Sook Oh (President/Publisher) 3Fl, Shindang 6-dong, Chung-gu, Seoul #100-456 KOREA

Thank you in advance.
Elizabeth M. Oh (Chung Sook Oh)
President/Publisher NewsWorld
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